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21 recipes found:
Name Level Skill Book
Boiled Kartoffel (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Boiling Kartoffel (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Cubed Kartoffel (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Dash of Ground Corium Seed (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Dash of Ground Wyn Reed (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Dash of Saffron (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Diced Pungent Tuber (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Egg Mixture (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking
Egg Slop (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking
Ground Wyn Reed (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Minced Pungent Tuber (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Pat of Butter (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking +
The Pastry Chef
Peeled Kartoffel (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Pinch of Salt (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking +
The Pastry Chef
Scoop of Flour (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking +
The Pastry Chef
Scoop of Lard (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking +
The Pastry Chef
Scoop of Milk (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Art of Baking +
The Pastry Chef
Sliced Bogo Pepper (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Sliced Carrot (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes +
The Pastry Chef
Sliced Night Mushroom (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
Sliced Pungent Tuber (i) 200 Cooking Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes